Gender-affirming care
Sexological bodywork and massage by and for trans and gender diverse folks before, during and after gender-affirming operations.
Trans folks who choose gender-affirming surgeries and care should have access to support around recovery, scarring, pleasure and intimacy related to their care.
Unfortunately, for many, this is not the norm. Lack of knowledge and support as well as stigma, shame and the pressure of external expectations can lead to silence and isolation around topics of sensation, intimacy, arousal, pleasure and the period of emotional and physical adjustment and integration after gender-affirming operations.
Queer Somatics offers physical and emotional support around these topics throughout your journey with gender-affirming care using an embodied approach that is consent-driven and pleasure-positive. This is available regardless of whether you opt for surgeries or hormone replacement therapy and can complement the care you may receive from other medical or psychological providers. Thanks to the scope of practice involved in sexological bodywork, we are able to provide both traditional massage therapy as well as bodywork, education and coaching related to intimate parts of the body such as the chest, genitals or anus.
The following overview offers examples of the possibilities available at Queer Somatics to support you throughout your gender transition process.
Preparing for gender-affirming surgery
Pre-operative Massage
Massage has been shown to reduce recovery time after an operation. Relaxation, reducing tension and Manual Lymphatic Drainage help to prepare you and your body for surgery and optimise recovery times.
Preparation ceremonies help you prepare physically and emotionally for the coming physical changes and often combine storytelling and massage.
Recovery after gender-affirming surgeries
Post-operative Massage
Optimise recovery time and encourage healthy scar tissue formation through Manual Lymphatic Drainage massage, lymphatic taping, and connective tissue massage / bindweefselmassage.
Nerve Rehab
Optimise sensation and pleasure outcomes through gender-affirming sexological bodywork. This work integrates knowledge from specialties related to nerve rehabilitation, sensory re-education, pelvic floor physiotherapy, massage therapy, and sex therapy.
Scar tissue optimisation
Scar tissue treatments
Scars and scar tissue can have a big impact physically and psychologically. Because of the way connective tissue functions, scars can be at the root of problems close to the scar as well as further away. Pain, tension, reduced mobility, reduced sensation, and poor circulation are just a few examples. Whether your scar is old or new, massage for scars and specific taping, cupping and needling techniques can improve these functional outcomes as well as the cosmetic appearance of scars.
Embodied Intimacy & Pleasure
Somatic sex coaching & sexological bodywork
At any point before, during or after gender-affirming interventions, you may realise that you want to focus on something specific related to embodiment, intimacy and pleasure. For example, exploring gender-euphoric pleasure, navigating sexual difficulty, expressing desires or setting boundaries. See the page about sexological bodywork and sex coaching for more ideas.
Sex & Relationship coaching
Relationship coaching provides support for you and your partner(s) around topics related to intimacy, sexual challenges, transition, polyamory and more.
Trans-centered events
Workshops and events with other trans and queer folks provide you a space to explore embodied intimacy and consent with others at your pace.
Intimate bodywork
Building relationship with your body and preparing to integrate changes through sexological bodywork (aka intimate bodywork). For example, by working with energy genitals, pleasure, boundaries and desires.
Embodiment & Integration
Physical and emotional processing, development of self-care practices or building relationship with your changing body through somatic coaching.
Storytelling & Processing
It’s said that scars and connective tissue store emotions in them. Scar tissue treatments can also include techniques for helping to process the emotions and stories around scars.
Sacred Intimacy
A sacred intimate offers you the opportunity explore intimacy, sex, touch and pleasure with a partner mindfully in service of you and your intentions. Your intention shapes the encounter; whether it’s to experience your first intimate encounter post transition, explore what brings your body pleasure, or something else.
Book a discovery call
Interested in the possibilities of working together, but not sure if this is for you? Book a free discovery call or get in touch to ask your questions.